About Counselling and Psychotherapy

Many people have experienced the positive impact counselling or psychotherapy can have on their lives.
The terms counselling and psychotherapy are often used interchangeably. Counselling can help you with more immediate problems to hand relating to the present and psychotherapy works more deeply, particularly if it has to do with things that haven’t been worked through from your past. It is an opportunity for you to think about and explore your difficulties with a professional person who will help you to make sense of what is troubling you and to find a way forward.
Privacy, confidentiality and working collaboratively, is of central importance in counselling and psychotherapy.

How might counselling and psychotherapy help you?

Making personal changes can have an important impact on people in their family and work settings. Clients often report changes such as a significant improvement in their initial concerns, more insight into their situation, better self-worth, or more specifically:

  • Greater confidence and self-esteem
  • Increased sense of self worth
  • More intimate and satisfying relationships
  • More success in a chosen career
  • Improved physical health
  • Feeling calmer and more relaxed
  • Greater personal awareness and understanding
  • Experiencing greater choice
  • Feeling more alive / having more energy

How I work

As an integrative counsellor and psychotherapist I have been trained to work with past and present issues and issues to do with future hopes and aspirations.

The past

Some people feel that as they grew up things were missing that they needed to feel ok or things happened to them that were very distressing. If you are one of these people you may feel that the past stops you from really being in the present and enjoying your life. Talking about the past with someone like me as a counsellor and psychotherapist could help you make sense of the past and feel more released from its power to enjoy your life more fully now.

The present

Some people don’t want to talk about their past – they feel their problem is very rooted in the present: a strained relationship at work, or a difficult situation you keep repeating with your present partner. As a counsellor and psychotherapist I can support you to make sense of your problems and help you develop better strategies to feel less stuck.

The future

Do you have aspirations or plans that you would like to realize? Would you like some time to develop your goals and what you would like to achieve? Then again counselling and psychotherapy can be a supportive environment to help you with greater clarity and planning.